Asegis Environment Protection Organization-popularly referred as Asegis; is community based organization based in Lodwar and with satellite office in Kakuma. It is legally registered with the Ministry of Labour and Social Security Reg. No. DGSD//TRKC/CBO/9939 and It is an affiliate of Turkana Natural Resources Governance-Hub[1]. The organization advocates for a clean environment through the platform of Waste management, Water and Sanitation-through community driven initiatives. “Asegis” is a Turkana word meaning-“clean or scaling the hygiene standards”
Our Vision: A clean and healthy environment for all
Our Mission: Working to promote healthy environment for healthy communities”
Major objective:The organization’s overall objective is to advocate for clean environment and promote sustainable utilization, management and conservation of environment for sustainable development.
Specific Objectives: to mobilize community and organize outreaches for environmental activities; to lead campaigns on HIV/AIDS, Covid-19 ; to share knowledge on good hygiene practices and wastes source reduction, prevention and environmental conservation.