- Mobilized and created awareness on improper waste disposal in Kakuma and Lodwar Municipality in 2015-2016.
- In 2016, through advocacy, convinced the County Government to designate a temporary dumpsite (solid and liquid waste) at Nayanae-Angikalalio which we anticipate to be recognized and approved as designated dump sites for Turkana County by NEMA.
- The organization participated and made contributions to the Turkana County Environment and Natural resources policy framework formulation and Turkana County Multi-sectoral HIV/AIDS advocacy strategic Plan for 2015/16-2018/19 on sustainable efforts towards ending HIV and AIDS.
- The organization in partnership with Turkana County-Ministry of Health and Sanitation jointly with other health partners organized and participated in yearly world events/days; e. g. Global Hand Washing Day, Toilet Day, HIV/AIDS, Global Water Day 2016.
- In 2015 to date, Asegis subscribed to the membership of Turkana Natural Resources Governance-Hub. The Hub is a consortium of 21 community based organization advocating for good governance, transparency and accountability in Extractives (oil and gas) Industry.ie. The advocacy has been on good management of oil revenues, opportunities (jobs, contracts) and benefits sharing accruing from oil for the local community and proper disposal of hazardous wastes to avoid contamination of the environment especially the ground water and grass on land which has been the main stay of Turkana pastoralists community.
- In 2018, Asegis jointly with other Hub members, contributed and developed of Advocacy and Engagement strategy 2018-2023” for the Hub, a strategy that will empower Turkana community to own, access and control land for maximum compensation on any lost land. (Copy provided)
In January 2020, advocated and Call For Closure of Illegal Waste Dump Sites and Establishment of NEMA approved Waste Disposal Sites in Kakuma: https://youtu.be/pBSE1UeY—c